How to access the Job Board

The Job Board is used to browse and accept jobs that have been posted by a company.

Jobs will be posted from a company official using the portal.  If you have your notifications enabled, you will get a push notification on your device that a new job is available.  There are 2 ways to accept job boar postings.

  1. From a push notification - when you receive a push notification on your device, you can click on that notification and it will take you directly to the job board posting.  If that posting has not yet been accepted by anyone, you will have the chance to "accept job" it or say that you are "not interested".  If the job has already been accepted, you will receive a red message telling you so.
  2. From the job board page - you can access the job board page from the side nav bar.  You can search for all available jobs or you can filter jobs by service type.  If you see a job that you would like to accept, simply click "accept job".

If you have questions about the job, you can email the case manager by clicking on the Case Mgr link which will open up your email program on your device.